Ladies, do NOT neglect lifting your back! It is the largest muscle in your upper body and in order to have overall muscle balance your need a strong back!
This workout is designed for the gym! If you're interested in at home workouts, be sure to subscribe and stay tuned!
Lat Pull Downs
4 X 20, 15, 12, 8
(Increase weight on each set)
Close grip cable row
4 X 12, 10, 8, 6
(increase weight on each set)
Wide Grip T Bar Row
3 X 12
Assisted Pull Ups
*Focus on the negative of each pull up. The negative should be slow (count to five as you release) and will increase your strength and form for unassisted pull ups.
4 X 6-8
Dumbbell Bent Over Row Super Set Dumbbell Deadlift
3 X 15 for both exercises