One of my favorite ways to increase the intensity of my workouts is to superset my exercises! A superset is simply two exercises back to back with no rest in between. Here is a great workout with built in supersets that will keep your heart rate up and make your workout even more effective!
*I will be referring to a superset as SS in this workout.
Warm Up
20 air squats. Feet in a wide stance and squeeze your glutes at the top. You can also do a quick warm up on the treadmill walking at an incline or anything that will get blood flowing to your legs.
Diamond Leg Press SS Jumping Air Squats
1 warm up set with 50% of working weight.
4 sets of 15
* Complete your diamond leg press and immediately do your jumping air squats. Rest for 45-60 seconds between sets and repeat 4 times.
Cable Rope Pull Throughs SS Step Ups
4 sets of 12
*You can do the step ups on a bench, box or platform!
Sumo Deadlift SS Hip Thrusts
4 Sets of 10
*Use a barbell for deadlifts and use a dumbbell, barbell or body weight for hip thrusts.
Weighted Walking Lunges SS Dumbbell Goblet Squats
4 sets of 12
*If you can, do actual walking lunges. If you don't have enough space, do the lunges stationary holding dumbbells.